If you are self-hosting ASE with the Microsoft store version of Ark, you can use these features to manage the friends list on your host Gamertags.
You can have the host Gamertag for each of your servers do the following automatically.
Detect (and optionally ban) new players that join the server who may be alt accounts based on the following.
Detect silver accounts
: If a player joins with a silver account this will be flagged.Minimum Gamerscore
: If a player joins with less than the minimum.Minimum Folowers
: If a player joins with less followers than this theyll be flagged.Minimum Following
: If a player joins and they are following less players than this theyll be flagged.If your server host Gamertags are authenticated, when viewing +playerstats
for someone there will be a DM
You can then send the player a DM on xbox via the host Gamertag of the last map they were on.
Run +xsapi authenticate
and a menu will appear.
Select your server and you will be instructed to sign into the xbox account associated with the server host Gamertag.
Click Sign In
and enter your credentials.
Your user info is not stored, you're just authorizing the Arkon app to manage your host Gamertag friends list and send messages.
After signing in, you will be greeted with a LOCALHOST error, this is normal!
Copy the ENTIRE contents of the address bar after you authorize and then click Enter Code
, a modal will pop up prompting you to enter the url, paste it there and click submit.
Thats it, your server should now be linked to the host Gamertag account!
To view all Xbox API commands for Arkon, run the base command +xsapi
This will display a list of subcommands you can use.
Run any subcommand with +xsapi <subcommand>
Example: +xsapi autofriend
will display the available autofriend commands.